Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Pferde
The ideal reward for metabolically sensitive horses
Lecker Bricks Grain Free contain no cereals, very little starch and sugar and are perfect for horses and ponies prone to metabolic diseases. Lecker Bricks Grain Free are recommended as an alternative to conventional treats. Due to the low energy content of the bricks, they are also recommended as treats for horses on a calorie controlled diet.
Digestible protein (dCP): 98,8 g/kg preceacal digestible protein (pcvRp): 82,3 g/kg Digestible energy (MJ DE): 9,7 MJ DE/kg Metabolizable energy (MJ ME): 8,4 MJ ME/kg
Rice husk bran | 23,8 % |
liucerna | 20,0 % |
vaisių gabaliukai (oboulių) | 19,8 % |
Linseed meal | 14,4 % |
kalcio karbonatas | 10,0 % |
melasa | 7,5 % |
cukrinio runkelio melasa | 2,2 % |
pieninės usnies aliejus | 1,1 % |
Hawthorn leaves | 0,2 % |
Milk thistle herb | 0,2 % |
artišokas | 0,2 % |
kiaulpienė | 0,2 % |
gingko lapai | 0,2 % |
neapdoroti baltymai | 12,80 % |
neapdoroti riebalai | 5,90 % |
džiovinti vandens augalai | 13,80 % |
neapdoroti mineralai | 16,70 % |
kalcis | 4,40 % |
fosforas | 0,55 % |
natris | 0,07 % |
krakmolas | 5,80 % |
cukrus | 8,40 % |
Propionsäure aus Calciumpropionat (1a282) TA | 2.747,00 mg |
NA = Nutritional additives
ZA = Zootechnical additives
TA = Technological additives
SA = Sensory additives